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The ImpactFI Blog

July Market Commentary: The Fed Takes a Micro-Holiday Thumbnail

July Market Commentary: The Fed Takes a Micro-Holiday

The Fed finally hit "pause" on interest rate increases in June after fifteen months and ten consecutive rate hikes. There are some signs that the rate increases already enacted are beginning to have an impact, however, wage growth remains strong. What does that mean for the timing of potential rate decreases?

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May Market Commentary:  The End of a Fed Cycle? Thumbnail

May Market Commentary: The End of a Fed Cycle?

Inflation is falling, wage growth has moderated somewhat, and a strong labor market doesn't seem to be inducing a wage-price inflation spiral. The Fed's confidence may not be misplaced, and the economy may avoid a recession this year as inflation continues to head back down towards 2%.

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March Market Commentary: Why Aren’t Rate Hikes Working?  Thumbnail

March Market Commentary: Why Aren’t Rate Hikes Working?

Markets appear to have finally started taking Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell's warnings seriously and caught up to the rhetoric that the Fed has been consistently pushing out. Rates will be higher for longer, yields went up, bond prices fell, and equity markets finally acknowledged that the pivot was nowhere in sight. What does this mean for the economy?

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January Market Commentary: The Fed Goes Meta Thumbnail

January Market Commentary: The Fed Goes Meta

While the equity markets, as measured by the S&P 500 index, was up in the third quarter, December was a disappointment from the gains seen in October and November. Inflation is dropping, if slowly. Employment is lower, but strong, which is supportive of the economy, and GDP returned to positive. What’s causing the volatility?

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